My multitude of tender mercies are you!!
Again it’s long. But I can’t help but want to share with all you who have given me such strength the last few months.

Things are definitely looking up since my face explosion a couple weeks ago. And while I’m not quite out of the woods yet, I am grateful to be on the right path.
I met with my neurologist at the U last week. They are amazing and so knowledgeable. They confirmed that my MS medication had lowered my immune system enough that my body was no longer able to maintain my teeth that were compromised all those years ago. And said I needed to fix the teeth infections before getting another MS treatment. Otherwise we’ll have a repeat of what happened last time. I have 9 teeth that my body is rejecting but they can be treated with root canals that will hopefully save them.
We’ve started treatment on 5 of them already and I’ll start the other 4 next week. We are trying to do them fast so I don’t fall to far behind on my MS treatments. (I really don’t want another relapse). It’s been beyond exhausting but at the same time, I see ministering angels all around me.
It’s was also a very special Christmas for us this year. Christmas is always filled with such a spirit of generosity and giving and excitement. There are countless stories about Christmas and about people being inspire to help a family who needs a little lift. So when we found on the receiving end of so many acts of sacrifice and kindness this season we were humbled beyond belief. A different feeling enveloped our souls. Not one of excitement or giving, but one of true gratitude and humility. And I recognized the other end of Christ’s purpose. Not the giving end but the one that says, “accept what I have given.”
Thank you sweet friends for all your prayers and love and the sacrifices I know some of you gave for our family this year. We will never be able to look at Christmas or the sacrifice of the Savior the same way.